Author: Eric Ford

1993 – Episode 16 – Brad Divens

Somewhere in Time Podcast welcome Brad Divens back to the podcast to discuss the debut, self-titled album from Souls at Zero, as well as the 1994 EP, “Six-T-Six”. Brad contributed bass guitar and vocals to both these albums, as well as helped produce them (along with the rest of Souls at Zero). Souls at Zero was essentially the next iteration of Wrathchild America, just with a different name. This topic, plus a track-by-track breakdown of the album, are featured on this episode. Also, the guys on the podcast ask Brad a series of questions submitted by Wrathchild/SAZ fans.

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1993 – Episode 14 – Candlebox

Somewhere in Time Podcast are still finishing up some 1993 albums, and this time they are discussing the debut from Seattle based band, Candlebox. This band may get lumped in with the “grunge” sound because of where they are from, but are they grunge? This is discussed and many more topics, including the fact that their singer never really wanted to be a frontman, and they had a drummer in their band that was in a popular DMV band in the 90’s. 

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